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January 21, 2025 7 min read

Most of us want to live long lives–if we can stay healthy and maintain our independence, that is. But it’s no secret that aging comes with a gradual decline in physical and cognitive performance. That’s a reality many people want to avoid. 

From  collagen to  CoQ10, longevity is a billion-dollar industry; In fact, an estimated  71 billion dollars will be spent globally on the anti-aging market in 2023. One dietary supplement that’s shown promise in recent years is GlyNac.

GlyNac packs a powerful antioxidant punch, and that’s not all – research suggests it has a wide range of other health benefits. Here are four health benefits of GlyNac, according to science.

GlyNac Benefits: Everything You Need To Know

What is GlyNac?

GlyNac is an over-the-counter dietary supplement that combines glycine and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC); hence the name, GlyNac.

Glycine, an amino acid (protein molecule), is used by the body for growth, metabolism, immune system support, and other  important functions. According to research, glycine has many health-supporting properties, such as improved sleep quality and brain health. 

NAC is a form of cysteine, an amino acid known for its powerful health-supportive properties. It plays an essential role in the  production of glutathione, an antioxidant that protects against cellular damage from oxidative stress and free radicals.

These two nutrients are the building blocks that the body needs to create glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant.  Research indicates that glutathione helps to support tissue repair, forms chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and supports the immune system.

4 Health Benefits of GlyNac:

Research suggests several benefits from GlyNac supplementation. For example, it may:

  • Supports healthy aging 
  • Support brain health
  • Support muscle strength and body composition
  • Support healthy blood sugar levels

1. Supports Healthy Aging*

One of the primary causes of aging is thought to be oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress occurs when too many free radicals accumulate in the body’s cells, leading to tissue and organ damage. Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize free radicals.

Since GlyNac converts into glutathione, the master antioxidant in the body, it’s thought that glutathione may help to neutralize free radicals and support health aging.

A 2023 pilot study published in The Journal of Gerontology found that older adults who supplemented with GlyNac for 16 weeks experienced an improvement in markers of aging, such as oxidative stress and mitochondrial function, supporting its role in promoting healthy aging and longevity. 

By neutralizing free radicals, supporting mitochondrial function, and detoxifying the body on a cellular level, GlyNac is an exciting development for promoting healthy aging.

2. Supports Brain Health*

Problems with memory are one of the most common complaints related to brain function in older adults. It’s normal for  cognitive function to decline as we age–as early as age 30. Some cognitive abilities, such as vocabulary, seem unaffected by aging. But others slowly decline, including memory, processing speed, problem-solving and conceptual reasoning. 

According to a 2021 pilot study published in the journal of Clinical and Translational Medicine, age-associated cognitive decline is linked with oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and glutathione deficiency. Eight older adults supplemented with GlyNac for 24 weeks, followed by a 12-week break, to examine its effects on these markers.

While taking GlyNac, oxidative stress decreased and glutathione and mitochondrial deficiency improved. This effect was not sustained when supplementation ended.

To further examine the role of GlyNac supplementation, researchers studied three groups of mice–a set of young mice and two sets of old mice–one of which received GlyNac.

Before supplementation, the old mice had cognitive performance significantly lower than the young mice–completing a maze took them 100% longer, and they made 50% more errors. But, after eight weeks of GlyNac supplementation, the old mice improved their time by 42% with 33% fewer errors, while no improvement was seen in the control group.

This evidence points to GlyNac as a potentially valuable tool for brain health.

3. Improves Muscle Strength and Body Composition

Our muscle mass, strength, power, and physical performance gradually  decline as we age. Older people also have up to  30% more fat than young adults, particularly around the midsection. The good news? GlyNac may help to support natural weight management. 

Because GlyNac restores healthy levels of glutathione, which plays a role in the growth and repair of muscle mass, it may be an effective way to preserve muscle function in aging adults.

A pilot study investigating GlyNac’s role in healthy aging also examined the supplement’s impact on muscle strength, function, and body fat. Older adults who were given GlyNac for 24 weeks experienced gains in strength, walking speed, and exercise capacity. What’s more, they saw a significant decrease in body fat and waist circumference.

If you’re looking for an edge to support muscle strength and keep body fat levels down, GlyNac may be a good option.

4. Blood Sugar Support*

A byproduct of our food is glucose (sugar), which sent to the blood. As a result of increased blood sugar, insulin is released by the pancreas to help muscle, fat, and liver cells  convert blood sugar into energy.

In a 2022 pilot study published in the journal Antioxidants, individuals who supplemented with GlyNac for two weeks found that it helped to support healthy blood sugar levels.

While longer-term research is needed to determine GlyNac’s impact on blood sugar, these findings are exciting, as supplementing with GlyNac may help to support healthy blood sugar levels.

Side Effects & Safety:

GlyNac is likely safe for most people, but should be avoided in pregnant and breastfeeding individuals.

Possible side effects include dry mouth, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea. 

Caution should be taken in those with asthma and bleeding disorders, and GlyNac should be avoided at least two weeks prior to surgery. 

GlyNac should not be taken with nitroglycerin.

GlyNAC Dosing:

When incorporating GlyNAC into your health routine, understanding the correct dosage is crucial for maximizing its benefits. The key to effective GlyNAC supplementation lies in maintaining a 1:1 ratio of glycine to NAC, as this balance has been shown in clinical research to optimize glutathione production.

For most adults, a daily dose of 1 gram of glycine and 1 gram of NAC is the standard recommendation. This dosage has been well-tolerated in clinical studies and shown to support a range of health benefits, including enhanced immunity, detoxification, and longevity.

To achieve the correct balance, look for supplements like GlyNAC Plus, which provide glycine and NAC in pre-measured doses that simplify achieving the ideal 1:1 ratio. This eliminates the guesswork and ensures you’re getting the right proportions every time.

Our GlyNAC+ supplement including the key 1:1 ratio of glycine to NAC. We also include Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), a key co-factor involved in the conversion of GlyNAC into glutathione.

Timing and Administration

To make GlyNAC supplementation simple and convenient, the daily dose can be taken in one of two ways:

  • All at once: Take the full 3-capsule dose (1 gram each of glycine and NAC) in the morning. This approach is quick and fits well into a busy schedule.
  • Divided doses: If preferred, the daily dose can be split into three smaller servings—one capsule with each meal. This method may be easier for those who experience sensitivity when taking multiple capsules at once.


GlyNAC is a promising supplement for boosting glutathione levels, enhancing immunity, supporting detoxification, and promoting overall vitality.

By incorporating GlyNAC into your daily routine, you can take a proactive step toward long-term health and well-being

As always, before beginning supplementation with GlyNac, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider. 


 Heidi Borst, B.A. 

Heidi Borst is a freelance journalist and experienced healthcare writer
with a Journalism Degree from Rutgers University. She writes for Forbes and various other trusted sources. Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, Heidi Borst is a general fitness enthusiast with a passion for health and wellness.


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